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  • How do I sign up to view Bella Terra HOA information on Nextdoor?
    In order to sign up with Nextdoor for Bella Terra you must first verify that you are a resident. To join Nextdoor, either download the app from the App Store or Google Play, OR visit the Nextdoor web site and confirm your address.​ Once you've confirmed your address, you can access your account on your phone or your computer when logged in.
  • How can I adjust email settings in my account to be notified when announcments are made?
    If you would like to ONLY receive emails when Bella Terra related posts and announcments are made in Nextdoor, log in to your account. Then, select 'Settings' and click on the 'Email' tab. Select the 'Custom' option and you can pick and choose which items you would like email notifications for. If you select 'Just my Neighborhood' you will ensure you are only receiving Bella Terra related news via email.
  • How can I narrow down the items in my feed to show only Bella Terra posts?
    Once you have logged in, from your computer you can click on the Bella Terra link on the menu on the left side of the screen, under Home. This will show you only Bella Terra related posts. From your mobile phone or tablet, click on the menu icon on the bottom right of your screen (three green lines), then about three fourths of the way down (under General) you will see a Bella Terra option. Select that option to be taken to the Bella Terra feed.
  • Where do I view important Bella Terra documents?
    To view important Bella Terra documents uploaded by the Board such as agendas, financials, and meeting minutes, from your computer, select the 'Documents' options from the menu on your lefthand side. From your mobile phone or tablet, select the menu option in the bottom righthand part of your screen (three green lines), then select 'Documents' from the pop up menu.

© 2020 Bella Terra HOA

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